
SperaCIMS Indoco Remedies App

The Spera CIMS App was developed by Positive Quadrant Technologies for CIMS Medica Pvt Ltd for tgheir client Indoco Remedies Pvt Ltd.

SperaCIMS App show case the copy rolex drug information with algorithm in synchronization.


DFEP App was developed by Positive Quadrant Technologies for USV Pharma in collaboration with Scientimed Solutions Pvt Ltd , Mumbai.

This app help in educating users on diabetic effects through online assessment with report calculation online in realtime.

Meal Planner Health App

Meal Planner was developed by Positive Quadrant Technologies for ARISTO Pharma in collaboration with Scientimed Solutions Pvt Ltd.In the Pill reminder and Doctor’s appointment reminder, one can set reminders regarding the daily/weekly medication schedule and regarding the upcoming appointments with the doctor.

Gly AR App

This application was developed by Positive Quadrant Technolgies for Scientimed Solutions Pvt Ltd

Gly AR App  provides educational resource on mechanism involved in controlled release of antidiabetic formulation.

AugScope AR App

The AugScope AR App was developed by Positive Quadrant Technologies for Scientimed Solutions Pvt Ltd for tgheir client Alcon Pharmaceuticals Pvt Ltd.

App provides educational resource on cataract surgery, astigmatism, LASIK surgery and glaucoma.

Volvo & Sun Pharma - Word Cloud Photo Booth

Word cloud is a new way of offering digital & print memento to your visitors. Our word cloud application converts user photo into word cloud instantly and user can take the hard/soft copy with him. We have to feed in about 10/15 words in the application for it to work its magic.

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